• Photo of family
  • Wilson the dog

A little about us

Hi i’m Matt, founder of safelysecured and this is me with my wife Emma, daughter Tilly and the newest member of the family, Wilson!

I’ve been a dog owner all my life, owning a Cocker Spaniel, Border Collie and German Shepherd through the years! One thing that always made me worry though was leaving these dogs outside of shops and cafes. I would worry constantly about them outside and would always rush to get back to them.

After speaking to some good friends of mine, and hearing they have the same problem, I decided to see if I could find a good solution online for them, but, after no luck, thought I would take matters into my own hands and create safelysecured.

Over 3 years in the making, countless prototypes, costly patent applications and delays due to the COVID outbreak, I’m finally happy to say we have launched!

I want every responsible dog owner to feel comfortable that when they leave their dog outside, they have the peace of mind that they have taken responsible measures to keep their dog safe from opportunistic thieves.

Whilst we can’t always control what happens to our pets, we can certainly take responsible steps to reduce the risk that bad things happen. safelysecured is here to help you achieve that goal.

Thanks for coming on this journey with us!