Group of people walking dog at night

How To Safely Walk Your Dog At Night

Daily walks are important to keep your dog physically and mentally stimulated. 

Walking your dog at night can be a fun adventure but challenging. Nighttime brings potential hazards that need special safety practices. Fortunately, there are ways to mitigate the risks and safely walk your dog at night.

Here are a few tips to keep your dog safe on your nighttime walks.

  • Always use a leash
  • Leashes are truly a must for nighttime dog walking. Even dogs who are great off leash can get scared or lost at night when it’s a bit tougher to get around. Also, if your dog darts out into the busy street, there’s a higher risk of him or her getting hit by a car at night.

  • Wear reflective gear at night time 
  • If you frequently walk your dog at night, you should invest in some reflective gear like hi-visibility jackets, reflective collars, harnesses, and a leash. This will ensure the safety of you and your pooch while you walk at night. Reflective gear is particularly crucial if you are walking your dog along roads and sidewalks.

  • Watch for animals
  • Night time may bring out many nocturnal animals. While most of them do not pose threats to you or your dog, it is still important to be on alert. Depending on the area you live in, there’s the risk of more aggressive animals like badgers. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your dog on a leash. A flashlight might also help to scare away some nocturnal animals.

  • Only take known routes
  • It’s best to stick to familiar routes when walking your dog at night. Nigh time is not good for exploring new avenues and walking routes. There’s no good time for a dog to get lost, but it’s especially dangerous in unfamiliar places in the dark. Walking on familiar, main streets won’t only prevent you from getting lost in the dark. It will also help prevent interaction with other creatures who may be roaming around at night.

  • Make sure your dog is properly identified
  • Always ensure that your dog is properly identified and wears ID tags whenever walking your dog at night. You can use an anti-theft dog leash and collar with your name and up-to-date phone number. Don't leave them unattended and unsupervised during walks.

    Another option is to microchip your dog. The microchip is encoded with unique and current identification and is implanted just under the skin of the neck. Your dog can be scanned and anyone can get in touch with you.

  • Carry your phone
  • Your smartphone may be a lifesaver in case of emergency. Be sure to keep your phone charged. Also, save the phone numbers for your local non-emergency police, emergency vet, and quick access to cab service just in case.

    Final thoughts

    As long as you ensure that your dog remains safe while walking at night, it shouldn’t be a problem for your dog. Walking your dog at night won't be scary if you choose a familiar route and the right accessories. With an anti-theft dog leash and collar, your furry friends will be in safe hands wherever they go.

    Do you want to share any tips for walking a dog at night? Let us know in the comments.

    Until next time everyone!

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